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<<10 Νοέμβριος 200611 Νοέμβριος 200612 Νοέμβριος 2006>>

Θέμα: elektr-o-tech experiments
Ωρα Εναρξης: 10:00 μμ
Διάρκεια: 03 ώρες(α) 00 λεπτά(ο)
Μέρος: Wunderbar, Exarchia sq
Κατηγορία: Μουσική
Συναυλίες - ζωντανές εμφανίσεις

Πρόσθετες λεπτομέρειες: elektr-o-tech experiments:
by modular expansion

Saturday 11 November
Wunderbar, Exarchia sq.

elektr-o-tech experiments" with George Apergis & dj Gus this Saturday 11 November at the famous electro bar of Athens, Wunderbar at Exarchia square (after 22:00). Presents their new electro techno minimal style.

Since 1999 "elektr-o-tech experiments" events appears in clubs and bars like Z-oo, Muller, Gaze at, Stavlos, Astron, Vanilla, Danza etc.Through those events Modular Expansion presents once again the minimal side of electro-techno. From minimal electro house and dub techno soundz to ....... electro and techno dancefloor themes. In May 2006 released the cd compilation "elektr-o-tech experiments" @ Freeze mgzn, compiled by George Apergis and including tracks by Mandy, Silver City, John Tejada, Modex aka George Apergis, Justin Maxwell, DJ T, Alter Ego, Tiefschwarz, Videogame Orchestra, Isolee, Sender berlin and Substance. In cooperation with worldwide labes such as Get Physical, Klang Elektronik, Playhouse, 2020 Vision, Palette, unGliech and Chain Reaction. Soon comes elektr-o-tech experiments volume 2.....:)  

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