Lesson 1: Namedays

Editorial : Σημείωμα του εκδότη

Today, we are going to talk about namedays! Name day is something you rest of the world usually don't have, but we Greeks do..!
Hello to everyone! How is the class this morning? Today, we are going to talk about namedays! Name day is something you rest of the world usually don't have, but we Greeks do..! Well, a name day, is a person's celebration the day the same day that the church is celebrating the same named saint. For instance.. Today our church is very cheerful for St. Minas, St. Victor and St. Vincent. So, all Vincents (I don't think there are many of them), all Victors & Victorias (there are a few) and finally all guys with the name Minas (I know one) are celebrating. Usually people is visiting them at their homesto wish them 'chronia polla', and to be offered a kerasma.. some sweet or a drink (the expensive guests get both) ;-) We have to make clear that the nameday is almost as important celebration as birthdays.. So if you know today anyone named as above, remember to wish "Happy nameday"..

Speaking of Victor, many thanks to Victor Aggelopoulos, owner of the website www.netfreaks.gr . Mr. Aggelopoulos started this e-zine about a month ago and among many interesting articles, the forum, website presentations has an UPs & DOWNs section where HotStation is the primary up for all Greek netfreaks.. Once again thanks to all Greek and non-greek sites that support the Greek alternative Radio. One of these sites may be the www.broadandcast.com of rainbow radio. A fellow radio station from the States, with Jenn, Sam and Mark getting back on the webradio on the end of this month. Jenn & Sam, two lovely girls that really rock, were among our listeners on our latest live and spoke some of the kindest words for our station.

The protest at Florence against globalization, war, smoking in public places, abuse of pets, and generally of everything that is bad or just piss you off, ended this weekend. Maybe it had over 500,000 people on the main protest, but there was no beating or trashing stores, so no one heard much about it.. Even this gentleman, working hard with his wife for three weeks on his costume and gun (he promised her to take care of the kids for the next two weekend in order she can have a coffee and some ice creams with her friends, in order to help him out). He really tried to get the attention of the media but no luck.

This concludes our today's lesson. Next week will have some other interest things to taught to you, good pupils!

Have fun and a great week!

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Θα εμφανίζεται ως εξής: Lesson 1: Namedays

Σχετικές Θεματικές Ενότητες

Σημείωμα του εκδότη

Συντάκτης: LavantiS
Αναγνώσεις: 6390
Εκτύπωση Εκτύπωση

Βαθμολογία άρθρου:

Μέση βαθμολογία: 5 / 5
Αριθμός Ψήφων: 1

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