Irak & Bussiness

Editorial : Σημείωμα του εκδότη

Get a couple of Koreans to make you a box, print some stickers saying something that sounds nice (like Best 56K USB modem) and sell it as a modem. Then, get a 900 number (paid phone line, like XXX hotlines) and have it on your site as a support line.
Hello everyone! The war in Iraq is getting nasty day by day.. And it seems that will get as bad as it can get, as American troopers are rather surprised from Iraqi's resistance and their leaders have no mean to stop or quit trying and "liberate" the country. Their method kind of simple and familiar.. Torturing an innocent country and claiming that what they want is Sadam to resign (or even better die) and put some other (USer friendly) guy in his post. Remember when some boy in school was making some joke to your teacher that made him look like a fool? ..And the teacher was threading & punishing all the class in order to get them to snitch the joker? That's what Americans are hoping that Iraqi people will do in order not to suffer any more, snitch Sadam or even make them kill him their selves. Then, all this theory of liberating Iraq and helping its people to get rid of the dictator in order to US assign them another one will be proved true, especially filtered through CNN and other US Army attached media networks. And then it's "Iraq reconstruction" time.. Contracts already signed between US government and big enterprises because not only Iraqis but also American poor businessmen have also to "eat" to survive.. ;-)

Speaking of business, listen to an idea of mine (actually is an idea by Crypto, a Greek Hi-Tech (??) company).. Get a couple of Koreans to make you a box, print some stickers saying something that sounds nice (like Best 56K USB modem) and sell it as a modem. Then, get a 900 number (paid phone line, like XXX hotlines) and have it on your site as a support line.. You'll be rich in hours. If you don't mind to wait a bit longer, or you are afraid of the law suits, just sell a working version of a modem and just don't release all drivers needed for it. Or the one you can have on your website, to be some drivers that hangs your PC. Remember what's the simple rule in this scenario..; "More problem$ with your product$, the more the call$$$$ at $upport you get".. Right? Imagine now if you also sell DVD players, web cams, ISDN modems, Digital cameras, radio / TV tuners, etc.. $$ x $$...

A lot of your messages in the song request session are against the war.. These songs and messages plus all the rest will be on the air tomorrow (Thursday) night, around 11 Greek local time. Tune in also in our live Thursday show to find out! How got is first official law suit thread.. Also, the new born two headed goat monster exclusive on the show. Relatives believe that is connected to secret ceremonies of the Satan worshiper father that used to rape his daughter and sacrified his left foot to a ancient goddess. These and many more, live, Thursday evening, 23:00 Greek Local time, at! ;-)

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Θα εμφανίζεται ως εξής: Irak & Bussiness

Σχετικές Θεματικές Ενότητες

Σημείωμα του εκδότη

Συντάκτης: LavantiS
Αναγνώσεις: 6967
Εκτύπωση Εκτύπωση

Βαθμολογία άρθρου:

Μέση βαθμολογία: 5 / 5
Αριθμός Ψήφων: 2

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