More record labels sign with mpGreek

Mουσική : Μουσικά νέα - Συναυλίες - Δισκογραφία

mpGreek, the global leader in Greek digital music services, today announced it has obtained licensing agreements from Greece's independent labels Victory Music, Klik Records, Protasis Music, Studio II, Wave Music and Recently, mpGreek also signed with EMI Greece. The agreements allow mpGreek to offer each label's digital catalog internationally through its online al a carte and subscription services. mpGreek introduced its download service, and in early 2005, and within 5 months more than 230,000 Greek music fans have visited the service.

These agreements allow mpGreek to broaden the variety and scope of its music catalog, giving users more variety and options, as well as introducing new recording artists, music labels and other copyright owners.

George Kontos, Director of mpGreek stated, "online distribution of music, especially ethnic repertoire, gives the opportunity to Independent Labels and Artists to take advantage of rapid expansion, promotion and sales well beyond the traditional distribution channels". Alexis Kombogiannis, Director of mpGreek added, "Our users are showcased releases with minor exposure until now, and we have been amazed with the sales volume created by these artists and productions. We have heavily invested in the legal distribution and expansion of Greek Music and so far it looks like our users, partners and Record Labels like what they "hear".

Early this month, mpGreek, the global leader in Greek digital music services, has signed a deal with EMI Music Greece to sell digital downloads in Greece and Cyprus. mpGreek is the first digital download shop in Greece, and the first ever download site to sell purely Greek music.

Under this new agreement, mpGreek will enable subscribers in Greece to purchase and download thousands of tracks from EMI's extensive digital catalog of titles from its Greek and International repertoire. The new agreement will greatly expand the amount of music available for downloading through mpGreek. With the addition of the EMI catalog, online users now have the convenience to chose from more than 50,000 tracks through mpGreek, as well as unlimited access to the world's largest Greek library of digital music.

EMI Music Greece is home to top musical artists including George Dalaras, Sakis Rouvas, Yannis Parios, Yannis Kotsiras, Peggy Zina, Giannis Ploutarhos, Pashalis Terzis, Haris Alexiou, Raining Pleasure and many more. EMI Music Greece also owns the repertoire for Minos, Capitol Records and Virgin Records.

"Since launching mpGreek last February, we have been dedicated to offering our users a superior online music experience that gives them unlimited access to the music they love," said George Kontos, Director and Co-founder of mpGreek. "Today's agreement with EMI builds on that principle, giving mpGreek users the freedom to enjoy an even wider selection of music. In the coming months, we will continue to add music to the service and offer users more choice in how, when and where they listen."

Mrs. Margarita Matsa, Managing Director, EMI Music Greece commented: "It's our goal to deliver our music in more ways to more fans. This deal with mpGreek will offer consumers high-quality, legitimate music downloads from EMI Music Greece's current releases and rich catalogue".

mpGreek also received the Gold Ermis Award for Best Online Service on today (July 13th) in Athens, Greece. mpGreek launched its site in early 2005 offering legal music downloads and subscription services.

This award ceremony has been organized by EDEE - the Hellenic Advertising Agencies Association - which presents Greece's highest honor and awards for marketing, communications and creativity for Advertising Campaigns and Online Projects. The Gold Award given to mpGreek is part of the Web Awards Category and Online Services Subcategory. This has been mpGreek's first year entering the Ermis Awards contest and contended in only one category which it won first place.

Mr. Nikos Papakostas, mpGreek's Official Representative and Legal Counsel, who accepted the award commented: "the award presented to mpGreek by the Ermis Awards committee is a reward for its principal founders, Mr. Alexis Kombogiannis and Mr. George Kontos and their revolutionary actions within the Greek music industry. mpGreek is a very promising service and within a short term its sure to be the major player in Greek digital music - not only for Greece but for Greeks around the world. Congratulations!"

Mr. George Kontos, Director of mpGreek added, "The Gold Ermis is a great honor for mpGreek. It reassures us that we are on the right path in providing a safe legal model and solution for buying, promoting and expanding Greek music. We could not have earned it without teamwork, our partners -- and of course -- pure love for this industry."

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Θα εμφανίζεται ως εξής: More record labels sign with mpGreek

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Μουσικά νέα - Συναυλίες - ΔισκογραφίαΤεχνολογία και Επιστήμες

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