Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt became parents

Kουτσομπολιά : Κατινιές και Gossip!

Angelina, Brad and the new member of the familyIt is known to everybody Angelina's love for orphane's coming from countries that suffers from hunger or wars. Now she has a companion to her strungle to offer a home and a better life to these children. So, with their eyes welling with tears, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had only one question for the baby girl gazing at them: "How do you like your new mummy and daddy?" It was a tender moment marking not only the Hollywood couple's commitment to an orphaned child—but to each other. Because as adoption boss Dr Tsegaye Berhe revealed, the two stars were about to become "a family".

Speaking from the Addis Ababa orphanage, Dr Berhe said: "They were like any couple looking at their child for the first time.
"You could tell they were in love and when they saw the girl they held their breath before letting out a gasp of excitement. Angelina wiped a tear from her eye.
Then she looked over to Brad and told him she was the most beautiful baby girl.
"That's when Brad put his arm around Angelina and whispered, ‘How do you like your new mummy and daddy?'
"They were so happy. Then they turned to me and said, ‘This makes us a whole family'."

Tomb Raider star Angelina officially adopted six-month-old Zahara last week after handing over £10,000 and spending a month quietly trawling through red tape. The tot—whose mum died of an Aids-related illness just a month after her birth—will now be a little sister to Angelina's son Maddox, whom she adopted from Cambodia.

And on Thursday night she flew out of Ethiopia on a private jet with her new mum and dad.

Dr Berhe, who runs the World Horizons for Children agency, said: "When I handed Zahara to Angelina she kept whispering she was going home to a better life.
"It's sad but without adoption Zahara would have been another statistic, another street child.
"At least now she has the love of two parents.
"And she actually looks like Angelina with beautiful dark eyes and a wonderful smile."

Brad has not been named on the adoption papers. But Dr Berhe said: "He held Zahara in his arms and played with her like any father would." The couple have yet to confirm publicly they are even an item.

Source: News of the World

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