ECO - tourism in Ilia - Gortynia

Γενικά : Θέματα γενικού ενδιαφέροντος

Except the famous beaches, the prefecture of Ilia does have a wonderful mountain picture. Pure nature beauty inside exotic forests and  rivers. Enjoy a special vacation with trekking, rafting , kayak or other activities.

Ludvich sent us a very interest article and photos about it that will make you wanna be there and try everything! Click on "Read More" bellow..

Except the excellent beaches, the prefecture of Ilia does have a wonderful mountain picture. Pure nature beauty inside exotic forests and  rivers. Enjoy a special vacation with trekking, rafting , kayak or other activities.

Neda - Photos from

    The only "female" river in Greece, Neda is situated at the border of Ilia and Messinia. Its unspoiled beauty does explains the female name.  We will pass through narrow ravines , under cool waterfalls ,walking in the clean water of Neda.

Neda - Photos from

Neda - Photos from

Neda - Photos from

Neda-Photos from Trekking Hellas

Even the man intervention completes the picture with another stroke of color inside the small villages ,under the stone bridges. .

For the fans of rafting or kayak we suggest the river of  Alfios .
    River of  central and west Peloponessus springs from the plateau of Tripolis at the endings of Parnonas , beside Ases on 800m. A part of its route is underground. 

Alfeios - Photos from

Alfeios - Photos at Trekking Hellas

    Along the river route ,Alfios receives water mass from several other rivers and torrents like :Elissonas, Lousios, Ladonas,Erimanthos and Kladeos. At the spot that Alfeios meets Ladonas and Erimanthos the place is named "Tripotama" which means "3  three rivers" .Alfios flows in the Kiparrisiakos Gulf next to Ancient Olympia. There is also a dam from which are irrigated about 135 millions m2  . According the Mythology ,Alfios was the son of Ocean and Tithia and was loved as god of fertility . His famous love with the goddess of Artemis had unfortunate ending. He was running after her up and down in Greece. Also he was in love with Arethousa.He chased her desperately until he reached in Ortigia , near Syracuse. There, Arethousa in order not get caught by Alfios she transformed into a spring and the sad Alfios then was transformed into a river. It is said that the water of Alfios reaches through the sea the water that comes from Arethousas' spring in Syracuse. 

    From the highlands of Arkadia , another beautiful river springs. It is the river of Lousios. Spend your time there by taking part in several activities like rafting ,hydro speed, kayak which are organized by eco-tourist agencies.

Λούσιος - Photos from

Lousios - Photos at Trekking Hellas

     A suggested route for trekking begins from the New Monastery of Philosopher and ends up to Ancient Gortyna through well persevered passages .Through a less clean passage the route continues till "Liapeika" after "Karytaina" along the river of Lousios.
    The route of the rafting, starts from the bridge of Atsiholos (Karytaina-Lousios) and after it crosses the green ravine ends after 7kms to the bridge of Koukos (Alfios). The second route ,start from the same bridge and ends up to Matesi(14 kms).
    Also, don't miss the trekking at the river of  Ladonas. Starting point is Dafni of Ahaia, near Kalavryta. Except the trekking you can take part in several other activities like archery, mountain bike, canoe in the technical lake of Ladonas.  

Amaliada on Web - Useful Guide about Amaliada and the wole Hlia region
Trekking Hellas - Eco-tourist agency
Municipality of Gortyna - Karytaina,Lousios
Dafni of Ahaia - Kalavrita,Ladonas
Oreivatein - Greek climbing club
ECO ACTION - Eco-tourist agency

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Θέματα γενικού ενδιαφέροντος

Συντάκτης: Ludvich
Αναγνώσεις: 8141
Εκτύπωση Εκτύπωση

Βαθμολογία άρθρου:

Μέση βαθμολογία: 4 / 5
Αριθμός Ψήφων: 4

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