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Aes Dana live - AlWoods live -Sagma live - Argy Echosense

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Mέλος από: Aug 30, 2012
Μηνύματα: 36

ΜήνυμαΣτάλθηκε: Κυριακή 9 Δεκ 2012, 15:35 GMT    Τίτλος Μηνύματος: Aes Dana live - AlWoods live -Sagma live - Argy Echosense Απαντηση με παραβολή κειμένου

IT & 7 sins Proudly Present AES DANA Live in Athens presenting his new album Pollen !

Vincent Villuis is composer & sound designer, Dj and co-owner of Ultimae records. Electronic activist since teenage hood, he was also one of the founding members of ASURA. Bass player and singer in several coldwave and industrial bands, he then moved on to composing with machines. Specialized in sampling and layering of acoustic sounds digitally transmuted, Vincent Villuis creates a music which offers multiple listening possibilities. His project AES DANA brings a fusion between the British Progressive feel and the traditional American Space Music; with sounds anchored in the psychedelic realm freely flowing into a morning Downtempo trance, tribal or smashed rhythms.

So far he produced 5 solo albums, participated to about 3 dozen compilations and collaborated on three albums with Swedish artist Magnus Birgersson under moniker H.UV.A.NETWORK. In 2009, Vincent Villuis composed soundtracks for Science Fiction movie "The Passport" (Amund Lie) and "Atrophy Bank" (Sam Asaert) out end 2009. In June 2009 was released his album [ Leylines ] which received many excellent feedbacks from the electronic scene and from the beyond audience. The album Leylines was ranked top 10 sales electronic music on Itunes USA and Top 5 on Emusic. The album Perimeters was ranked top 5 on emusic and Amazon.

As the conceptor of the Fahrenheit Project compilation, he just released the last chapter of the series in May 2011. In 2009, Vincent Villuis became sponsored artist by TC Electronic and in 2011 by Roland Cakewalk. Vincent Villuis was the official resident at "Les Dominicains of Haute Alsace" from 2009 to 2011 where he worked on compositions, remixes and multi-diffusion installation for this cultural heritage building. Journalist for Keyboard recording Magazine (KR Home Studio) since 2000.

AlWoods LIVE [Altar Records]
John Rigas (aka Alwoods) was drawn to psychedelic music when he began Djing more than a decade ago. Within the last three years John began pursing music production. Learning to write, compose and studying the technology used to craft the sounds he was seeking. Over time his skills evolved and he began producing psytrance as Atreus. Now John steps forward as Alwoods with "Aeolian Mode".

For this album, Alwoods draws inspiration from his love of nature, the elements, and his time spent in the Greek mountainside. Natural sounds, bright atmospheres, and pulsing energies create a wondrous audio experience that fuses morning sounds with deep ambience. Aeolian Mode is an album full of soft driving beats wrapped in thick psychedelic auras that is perfect for stimulating the energies of a new day.


Is the letest Creation of the producer Alexis Dendias.

His Sound blends the modern electronic stylings with soft synths and hypnotic grooves, smooth basses and atmospheric melodies to earlier influences from Psyambient to Chill-Out and beyond. After 10 years of experience in sound exploration and music production, With many releases in different electronic music genres ,on labels such as Tenax recordings, their own Sunplay and Safari Electronique, he has now learned to follow the contemporary sounds, mixing their composing intents in a deep and warm blend, , that undoubtedly keeps your body and mind stuck to the dancefloor.

Argy Echosense Set
Trance music felt into his DNA in 1993.He began djing psychedelic trance in 1995 and till now if he doesn't mixing, is always in the frond line of the dancefloor.

Παιδί της πόλης, άνθρωπος τη φύσης ένας ακόμα cyber hippy που ζει ανάμεσα σας, Η Trance μπήκε στο dna του το 1993 και μετά από δυο χρόνια ξεκίνησε να μιξάρει όπου τον καλούσαν και όπου ένιωθε ευπρόσδεκτος. Όταν δεν βρίσκεται πίσω από τον μείκτη, τότε σίγουρα είναι στη πρώτη γραμμή του dancefloor

Argy Echosense was member of the SAMOTHRAKI DANCE FESTIVAL project (worked @ press office) and his best music moment was his dj set @ the after party of Samothraki dance festival 2003.

Chief Editor: FREEZE MAGAZINE Greece
Editor: www.amorphia.gr
Programm officer: www.diceradio.gr

Argyris (Argy Echosense) made the first television project: "HUMAN PAGAN STORIES" about Psychedelic Trance Music in 2001, at BLUE SKY tv - every Sunday night (Live) - with many guests! GOA GILL, ETNICA - Pleiadians, WIZZY NOISE, JAMES MONRO, DOMINIC (Flying Rhino), THE MUSES RAPT, ELEMENT, CHRIS ORGANIC, OPSIS, TIMEWARP and many more gave exclusive interviews to "HUMAN PAGAN STORIES".

Radio action on the mix and with "open" microphone: "Human Pagan Stories" in Middle Earth is a psychedelic delirium every Friday night, 22.30 - 00.00 at Dice Radio http://www.diceradio.gr He had made one cd compilation: "HUMAN PAGAN STORIES" PART 1 & PART 2 with FREEZE MAGAZINE GREECE

Εμφανίσεις / Appearances: Samothraki Dance festival 2003, Aurora festival 2012 Halkidiki, Music and Culture Festival Olympia, Thermokipio (Oinofita), Legalize festival 2012 (Athens), ΑN club (Athens), Χρωμα/Chroma (Athens), People (Piraeus), Lemon (Piraeus), D Bar (Athens), Ammos (Athens), Loud (Athens), Lobby (Athens), Z-oo (Athens), Vega (Glyfada), Mad (Athens), Stereo (Athens), Goya (Athens), Mezcal (Athens), Fsi Factory (Athens), Vanilla (Athens), Second Skin (Athens), Virsodepsio (Rentis), Eprepe (Eratini), Aiora (Eratini) Ocean Drive (Galaxidi), Bollero (Galaxidi), Super Kalafatis (Galaxidi), Sokaki (Galaxidi), Eramos (Panormos), Sade (Amfissa) and others.

Price:10 euro with beer or wine | Starting: 00:00

Seven Sins Club
Θεμιστοκλέους & Γαμβέτα 5, Πλατεία Κάνιγγος, Αθήνα
Τηλ : 6983475970
Πρόσβαση : Μετρό - Στάση Ομόνοιας
www.sevensinsclub.gr - info@sevensinsclub.gr
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