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Mέλος από: Sep 04, 2004
Μηνύματα: 2

ΜήνυμαΣτάλθηκε: Πέμπτη 9 Σεπ 2004, 19:44 GMT    Τίτλος Μηνύματος: In_Vox Απαντηση με παραβολή κειμένου

In_Vox Official Website

In_Vox feat Andy Bell "Will I ever?" Cat# 674985 2

In_Vox are Maryanne Rarity & Panayiotis Davelos, they were formed a few years back and everybody's heard their super hit "On the highway" which became a long-time favourite of radio stations all over Europe. Some say they had it easy with their first single becoming such a huge success, but their follow up comes with a surprise !

This new single happens to be a special one for In_Vox , featuring one of Britain’s most charismatic pop vocalists of the 20th century, Andy Bell of Erasure. Andy Bell as a member of Erasure has enjoyed fifteen top 10 singles and 5 number 1 albums !! Easier said than done , In_Vox approached Andy Bell and suggested him to duet with Maryanne on "Will I ever" a beatiful pop tune writen by Vangelis Lamprou. After he's heard the demo he contacted In_Vox and expressed his enthusiasm to record his vocals on the track.

The track is now complete; the single packaged and ready to be played and enjoyed all over the world. It has also been remixed by local electro pioneers Marsheux as well as very popular Greek- American dj/remixer/producer, Chris "The Greek" Panaghi who has remixed artists such as Celine Dion, Marc Anthony, Gloria Estefan and Michael Jackson to name a few.

So far, "Will I Ever" has already been welcomed with great enthusiasm and warm feedback from the radio airplay as well as from DJs playing in clubs across Europe and at this moment is being exported to several countries all over the world.

A brief audio clip (in Windows Media format) is available in the music section ofthe official In_Vox site at:

in the news section of the Erasure official site EIS at :

In_Vox feat. Andy Bell - "Will I Ever?" available in USA at:

New York: Rebel Rebel - 319 Bleecker St (Between Christopher St & Grove St, One block west of 7th Ave) (212) 989-0770
Record Runner - 5 Jones Street (Corner of Washington Place, and one block west of 6th Ave) (212) 255-4280

Also available from their website: http://www.recordrunnerusa.com/detail.asp_Q_product_ID_E_INVOX-CD5-498521

West Hollywood: Perfect Beat - 8941 Santa Monica Blvd. (Between Hilldale and Robertson) (310) 273-3337

Also available from their website: http://perfectbeat.com/product_info.php?products_id=5099767498521

(Retailers (Not individuals) seeking to stock the rare CD single can visit http://www.wattsmusic.com/

In_Vox feat. Andy Bell - "Will I Ever?" available in the UK at:

The EIS site (Erasure Information Service) http://www.erasureinfo.com/shop/index.html


In_Vox feat. Andy Bell - "Will I Ever?" available in Germany at:




In_Vox feat. Andy Bell - "Will I Ever?" available n Mexico at:

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