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Mέλος από: Jun 07, 2010
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ΜήνυμαΣτάλθηκε: Δευτέρα 31 Ιαν 2011, 02:33 GMT    Τίτλος Μηνύματος: Αναχαιτίσεις στο Αιγαίο Απαντηση με παραβολή κειμένου

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Home »News and Events» Ihla Airspace


16 January 27, 2011 Aegean Sea N. Ankhíalos square shield and referred to Greece's F-16 aircraft by the country; Aegean International Air Field training flight of the F-16 uçaklarımıza execution, time 10.49B in, Chios to the north of the radar for a period of 45 seconds to unlock the enclosure to have been made through the abuse.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

15 January 27, 2011 Aegean Sea Greece, Tanagra and squares, shields and called Ankhíalos N. M-2000 and F-16 aircraft belonging to the country by; Aegean International Air Field and the F-16 training flight performing F-4E/2020 uçaklarımıza, time 14.56B at , Lemnos Island to the southeast of the south of Chios, 17 minutes to maintain radar lock were made through the abuse.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

14 January 27, 2011 Aegean Sea Greek Island of Chios shield and two Super Puma helicopter owned by the said country, Karaburun / IZMIR west, has violated the air for a period of 4 minutes sahamızı.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

13 January 26, 2011 Aegean Sea Tanagra Greece, square shield, and two of the said country by the M-2000 aircraft, who perform the Aegean Sea, the F-16 training flight in international airspace uçaklarımıza, time: 15:03 at, west of the island of Lesvos, 400 feet to travel over the harassment by were made.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

12 January 26, 2011 Aegean Sea Greece Skiros square shield and two belonging to the said country by the M-2000 aircraft, who perform the Aegean Sea, the F-16 training flight in international airspace uçaklarımıza, time: 15:03 at, west of the island of Lesvos Seferihisar / Izmir to the south west, 14 knots for a period of 16 minutes behind by the radar lock to maintain the harassment were made.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

11 January 25, 2011 Lesbos Island, in West / West of Chios / Chios south / northwest of Samos Island Tanagra, Greece and N. Ankhíalos squares, shields and called the M-2000 and F-16 aircraft belonging to the country by, the Aegean region who perform the F-16 training flight in international airspace uçaklarımıza, with a total of 13 minutes, 5 times a harassment were made by the radar to maintain lock.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

10 January 25, 2011 Lesbos Island, south / southwest Tanagra Greece, square shield, and called the country by aircraft belonging to the M-2000; Aegean international airspace, and F-16 uçaklarımıza F-4E/2020 performing training flight, with a total of 9 minutes, 2 times by maintaining the radar lock harassment were made.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

9 January 24, 2011 Chios Island, South / North Tanagra Greece, square shield, and called the country by aircraft belonging to the M-2000; Aegean international airspace training flight performing uçaklarımıza F-4E and F-16, time: 15:10 and 15:25 at a total of 11 minutes, the radar harassment were made by 2 times to unlock the enclosure.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

8 January 20, 2011 Northwest of the island of Lesvos Greece Skiros square shield, and called the country by aircraft belonging to the M-2000; Aegean international airspace F-4E/2020 uçaklarımıza performing training flight, time: 12.49 at, for a period of 6 minutes northwest of the island of Lesvos, maintain radar lock 1 time made by to harass.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

7 January 17, 2011 Southeast Chios Greece, Lemnos square shield and by F-16 aircraft belonging to the said country; Aegean international air space of the F-16 training flight performing uçaklarımıza, time: 15:22 at, for a period of 2.5 minutes southeast of Chios, maintain radar lock 1 time made by to harass.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

6 January 17, 2011 North of Chios Tanagra Greece, square shield, and called by the country's M-2000 aircraft, the Aegean region who perform the F-16 training flight in international airspace uçaklarımıza, time: at 10.30, for a period of 3 minutes north of Chios, to preserve the radar lock by 1 time harassment were made.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

5 January 13, 2011 Northwest of the island of Lesvos Square shield Lemnos, Greece, and by F-16 aircraft belonging to the said country; Aegean international air space of the F-16 training flight performing uçaklarımıza, time: 10:44 and 10:52 at, a total of 1 minute 35 seconds for the Northwest of the island of Lesvos, to maintain radar lock harassment were made by 2 times.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4 January 13, 2011 South of the island of Lesvos Square shield and Tanagra in Greece belong to the M-2000 aircraft by the said country; Aegean international air space of the F-4 training flight performing uçaklarımıza, hours: 15:24 'te, south of the island of Lesvos for a period of 1 minute 20 seconds, the radar lock housing 1 time made by to harass.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3 January 10, 2011 Aegean Sea Square shield and Tanagra in Greece belong to the said country by the M-2000 aircraft, the Aegean region who perform the F-16 training flight in international airspace uçaklarımıza, hours: 15:41 ', the Samos island of Chios to the north of the south for a period of 5 minutes, the radar harassment were made by maintaining lock.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2 January 7, 2011 Aegean Sea Chios, Greece square shield, a piece of the helicopter to Greece, Yenihisar Peninsula / Send the northwest, 11 minutes 5 times violated the air sahamızı.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1 January 4, 2011 Aegean Sea Tanagra in Greece belong to the M-2000 Square shield and cited the country by plane, the Aegean international air space of the F-16 training flight performing uçağımıza, hours: 15:19 ', the south of Chios for a period of 14 minutes to the south of the island of Lesvos, the radar harassment were made by maintaining lock.
Incident reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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